CLAUDIA SEREA is a Romanian-born poet who immigrated to the U.S. in 1995. Her poems and translations have appeared in 5 a.m., Cutthroat, Word Riot, Ascent, Meridian, Mudfish, Harpur Palate, Exquisite Corpse, The Fourth River, Ezra, Zoland Poetry, among others. Serea is the author of Angels & Beasts (Phoenicia Publishing, Canada, 2012), A Dirt Road Hangs From the Sky (8th House Publishing, Canada, 2013), To Part Is to Die a Little (Cervena Barva Press, 2015), and Nothing Important Happened Today (Broadstone Books, 2016). Serea co-hosts The Williams Readings poetry series in Rutherford, NJ. She is a founding editor of National Translation MonthFollow her on tumblr at

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Claudia Serea

Claudia Serea