What's new at 8th House...
Poems by Claudia Serea in the Steel Toe Review
Claudia Serea publishes two peoms in the Steel Toe Review. Read them here.
Jump the Devil's nomination for the People's Book Prize
"Jump the Devil" by Richard Rathwell: nomination for the People's Book Prize.
Harold Henisch discusses Richard Rathwell's influence on his work.
Harold Henisch discusses Richard Rathwell's influence on his work. Check out Richard's latest work "Jump the Devil" by 8th House Publishing.
Keeping up to date with Richard Rathwell...
Read Richard Rathwell's work on the Schroedinger's Cat blog: Here.
Richard Rathwell reviewed in Vallum Magazine
Heather Spears reviews Richard Rathwell's "Quicker and Deader" in Vallum Magazine. Read the review here.
8th House Publishing continues its series of collaborations: May 17, 21:00, CineCycle, TORONTO
Join us for readings from emerging authors interpreted though interpretive jazz, ambient loops, instillation, theatre and projected visual narratives. Featuring the works of:
Seamus Ogden - Matthew Jarvis Wall
Ben Ladouceur - Colin Fisher
Nick Nelson - Delta Will
Gary Barwin - Jenna Mariash
Ditch the high art - dance and drink after readings with DJ Liam Sanagan (LUM, First Rate People).
May 17, 2013, 21:00; CineCycle, TORONTO; $5.00
Claudia Serea's "The System" featured in Cold Hub Press's "Drunk Monkeys"
Claudia Serea’s The System, a cycle of poems inspired by her father’s experiences as a political prisoner in Communist Romania, published by Cold Hub Press featured in Drunk Monkeys.
Stay tuned for her "A Dirt Road Hangs from the Sky" to be released soon.
Claudia Serea in Latin America's Best Writing, Southern Pacific review.
Claudia Serea's Hide and Seek appears in Latin America's Best Writing, Southern Pacific review.
Read it here.
"Jump the Devil" reviewed in the mRb
Richard Rathwell's "Jump the Devil" reviewed in the mRb (Montreal Review of Books).
Read the full review here.
Spuyten Duyvil Publishing releases Jason Price Everett's Xian Dyad
Spuyten Duyvil Publishing releases Jason Price Everett's Xian Dyad. Read more about it here.
More Articles …
- Darren C. Demaree featured in Sundress Publications' Stirring
- Claudia Serea's work featured in Muse-Pie Press
- Darren C. Demarree's "A Bare Fist of Snow" in Wild Violet Literary magazine.
- Darren C. Demaree in TINGE Magazine
- Joe Blades reviews Richard Rathwell's "Jump the Devil"
- Cameron W. Reed at the Brooklyn College.
- The 8th House Collaborations Nov. 29th Event Photo Album
- 8th House Collaborations
- Join us at the Ottawa Small Press Book Fair
- Cameron W. Reed live on AM 600